Christmas Swop – Day 12

This is it the end of the Christmas Swop – Gift 12.



Hello Kitty… Is it a paddle? A fan? NOPE….



Pretty cool.

I just want to send a huge THANK YOU out to my “SWOP SANTA”, Cheryl for all of my fun gifts. This was a lot of fun and I am so glad I got a chance to participate in this swop.  I really enjoyed getting to shop for Janet and see all the other participants gifts and read about their exchanges as well.  What a great fun to be had by all.  Hope to do it again sometime.


Christmas Swop – Day 10

I’m sorry for the HUMONGOUS DELAY – IF YOU ONLY KNEW – SOOOOO MUCH has been going on in the last month or so and I have neglected this blog more than I would like and I have sorta given up on so many things as of late… but I’m going to get back on track and the first order of business is to get my swop posts completed and get things caught up on this blog.

So here is post 10.  I apologize to all my other swop partners for being so behind and not finishing up my task like I should have.  Hope you all had a wonderful holiday… I know mine was probably one of the worst holiday seasons I have ever had.




Hello Kitty, what you got for me???


These are some cute, red, jelly type little bow earrings.  They are so cute with a little sparkle to them.


These will be so fun and playful to wear !!

Thanks to Cheryl !

Christmas Swop – Day 7

We are now up to Day 7 and onto our 7th gift, so away we gooooo


What do we got…



Well there you go… some new eye lashes… I have never used fake eyelashes, but have always wondered about them… so I guess now I’m gonna have to try them out 🙂

I will keep you posted on how it goes.

Thanks Santa Cheryl !!!

Christmas Swop – Day 6

Well we are half way through our Christmas Swop and this has been so much fun.

I have really enjoyed my gifts but even more enjoyed watching Janet and the other participants open their gifts as well.

So now on to gift #6.


Hmmm what could it be ??


Hello Kitty, whatcha got for me??


These I think are ones that Cheryl may have made.  These are the cutest paperclip earrings.  The first thing Chris said when he saw them, was those will be great for the office 🙂  harty har har !!!  I will so be wearing these soon.

Thanks Cheryl !! ❤

Christmas Swop – Day 2

Today is Day 2 of the Christmas Swop and I have my 2nd gift to open… So here we go !!



This is the new thing that I have seen out and advertised at a lot of the stores.  Lip Tattoos. Lip Stickers.  I have never tried these myself or seen anyone else try them… we shall check these out and see how these work.

Thanks again,

Cheryl !!