Trashcan Punch

Isn’t trashcan punch what they call it when you toss every possible alcohol within arms distance together in a big bowl or trashcan? Well this post is going to be a form of trashcan punch cause I’m gonna throw a bunch of stuff in here.

Sorry for those of you that were hoping for a recipe 😀 but if you have a good one to share…

So I know I have been neglecting my blog and I deserve a good spanking.  So much has been going on, but then again, isn’t that always my excuse when I’m MIA for a period of time.  Shouldn’t that be when I’m blogging the most? You would think so huh? Well I’ve been known to be half-ass-backwards…

So last I blogged about being at the dr and hoping to get a good report.  I actually did and would like to share some of my results with you.  I was delighted to find out that I had lost 3.5 lbs in 10 days from the date I had started my 2nd diet pill.  So that was super exciting. I was so excited that when the nurse got me back to my room, I warned her that my blood pressure would probably be high because I was excited.  Sure enough it was.  Anyway… I met with my nutritionist, told her all the changes I had made in my diet. Cut out butter almost completely. I had cut back on fried foods, lots more water, more seafood, taking my vitamins and fish oil, using my flax seed and light and greek yogurts and I could tell a big difference since starting these diet pills in my appetite and my energy level.  I told her about joining the YMCA again and she was overall thrilled.  I shared with her my pirates booty, my new favorite healthy snack. Told her about my other healthy go to snacks as well.  She was really excited to see the changes I had made as well.   I then got to see the dr.  We got my blood sugar results back and my A1C had dropped from 8.3 down to 7.2 in 3 months.  I was thrilled.  She was very excited too. She was glad to see that I had improved in testing my sugars and was doing it regularly which I had not been doing previously.  The other reports hadn’t come back yet which were the numbers I really wanted to find out… my cholesterol numbers… so I was a little disappointed.  But I did get to find out before I left for the day.  Here are some of my results.  I was so excited.  My prev date was 8/14, Current date is 11/14

Cholesterol     Prev (236)  Current (143) goal to get lower
Triglyceride    Prev(1051) Current (195) (I ate some garlic butter chicken fajitas the day before blood work prev so that’s why so high) still need to get lower
HDL     Prev (27)  Current (35) still need to get higher
LDL Cholesterol   Prev (90)  Current (69)

The report – I saw it actually said “LDL (bad cholesterol) should be under 100 mg/dl. Your LDL cholesterol is good!”  I have NEVER had anything say anything to do with my cholesterol was GOOD… I was so thrilled and was so happy to see that my hard work was actually showing.

The dietitian called me later in the week to tell me how proud she was and told me that they never have patients that bring their numbers down that fast in that short amount of time ever. I felt really good about the progress I was making and it makes me only want to continue and do more and try harder.

So yesterday 12/04/12 I had another follow up with my reg dr here in town that I see with my diet pill and da dat da daaa… I lost 6 lbs this month !! I was so excited.  I haven’t been trying as hard as I can or should and I haven’t been really restricting myself from anything except butter and sweets.  So now that I see that just that is working I’m gonna kick it into gear.  I went shopping with my sister on Saturday after we pampered ourselves at the spa first.  While trying on clothes the sales lady brought me the wrong size, (size smaller) and I wasn’t sure about trying it on, but I did anyway… IT FIT PERFECT !!! I was so excited, I almost squealed in the dressing room.  I almost ran to the check out to buy them 🙂   So that totally made my day.

On another front… I had a guy I dated over 8 years ago look me up on fb and that was such a shock.  After responding to him and catching up for about 20 mins he proceeds to tell me that he made the biggest mistake of his life letting me go so long ago. I was like wow, that was out of nowhere. I asked why and he said he didn’t know what he had until I walked out of his life.  He said that he tried to find me over the years and was unable.  He said that he didn’t know just how much he loved me until I was gone.  I was floored.  I really cared about this guy back then.  I never expressed how much I cared about him because he had this wall up and kept me at arms length away.  He never expressed his true feelings to me, so I had no clue.  He asked me what ever happened to us, why did I leave him.  I honestly didn’t know.  I think at the time I was dating a couple of different guys and someone or something became more interesting or became more of a serious deal and I walked away from him.  That’s the only thing I can think of.   So now’s he’s making it known that if he was to ever get another chance he would never make that same mistake twice. So that’s sorta strange.

I did mention it to Chris because I did give the guy my number, his name is James by the way in case I later decide to tell something else. I’m sure something might come up again.  So I did tell Chris about it… He didn’t seem to worried.   But the week after we came home from my mom’s for Thanksgiving as we were sitting on the couch watching tv. I was on the computer not really paying to much attention and Chris said is that what you want and I looked up and saw a jewelry commercial on the tv.  I said what? Diamonds? of course you can’t go wrong with diamonds.  He’s been at me about what I want for Christmas and my birthday for weeks now.  He then said no, the other.  I said what other.  He said, TO GET MARRIED.   I almost choked.  I said whoa, that was outta the blue. Where did that come from.  He said well it’s been on my mind a lot lately.  I said, what’s been on your mind.  He said well, have we waited long enough, how long is long enough, how long should you wait, should I say something, should I just come out and ask, should we talk about it, those kinds of things.  I was so shocked.  I just kept taking a drink of water every time he stopped talking because I didn’t know what to say.  I finally said well that really came out of the blue.  Then I got up and went to the bathroom.  I didn’t really know what to think of all of that.  Was that suppose to be a question? Was that just information? Is he just testing the waters to see what I might say?  WHAT THE HELL??  I know I am not ready to get married. I know that for a fact.  I won’t be for some time.  I know I love Chris or I wouldn’t put up with half of the stuff I have and still put up with on a regular basis… but there are just unresolved things that need to be finalized, taken care of and discussed before we even get to the point of discussing that topic.  He’s also really pushing us going to court to get custody of his son, and to be completely honest I don’t want custody of his son.  Besides the fact that the costs it would take to go to court would all be put on me, I do not want his son living with us full time.  I have voiced that to Chris a couple of times and all it does is cause a huge fight.  So if it comes down to it, that will be a cause for us to split.  That I know for sure.  I am not going to budge on that point there.

I got my 12 Days of Christmas Swop package in the mail last week and I am super excited to start blogging about my gifts starting Monday the 10th… I’m excited for Janet to get her package and to read her posts as she opens her gifts.

Well, I will close for now, cause my fingers are worn out, and I need a break.  I will be back soon.  Happy Hump Day Folks !!

Giving Thanks – Day 2

Happy November 2nd fellow bloggers/readers.

I have some great things to be thankful for today and so I am here to share with you.

**I am thankful that I made an appt (and I’m keeping it) with the Director at the YMCA to meet with a trainer and get started on the right foot when it comes to exercise.
**I’m thankful that I took a chance – I recently emailed the Director of said YMCA to ask if they offered discounted rates for people that had a medical necessity for exercise.  She said not really, that they have a std fee based usually, but they could see if I qualified for assistance.  I explained to her about my Diabetes and all that goes along with that diagnosis, all the meds I am on and how much those cost me and she got back to me and got me a discounted rate !!! WHOO HOOO – never know till you ask.
**I’m thankful that my blood sugars are as good as they are as of late and I am thankful for sticking to taking my meds as I should which helps with all of that. (GO FIGURE)
**I’m thankful that I took of tomorrow from the PT job so that I can get some things done and go to this appt.
**I’m thankful for my amazing friends and family.  They truly mean the world to me.

That’s it for today – I hope you all have a wonderful Friday and weekend.

Let’s be Thankful – Day 1

I know Thanksgiving falls in November and it reminds people to be thankful, but shouldn’t we always be thankful? There’s doesn’t need to be a holiday associated with it, well I would hope not.  I know I am thankful for so many things but don’t always express it, or maybe don’t express it in the proper way.  So I thought I might at least blog about some of the things I am thankful for.  I know there are much bigger things out in the world, but this is about my little world, my irregular bubble and so I will give thanks as I feel fit. 

Day 1 of Thanks…

**Today I am thankful that it’s no longer month end.  The last 3 days have been terribly long days to say the least.  Monday I worked 7am – 7pm, Tu 8am – 9pm, and Wed 8am – 9pm. 
**I am thankful after a sleepless night that I was able to stay awake all day and not end up with keyboard marks across my cheek and drool down my chin. 
**I am thankful for the cooler temps here in Tx, I love the fall season. It’s time to pull the boots out of the closet. 
**I’m thankful for great friends and family that make you laugh and smile even when you don’t feel like it. Thanks Sass-A-Frass ! Love ya toots!
**I am thankful for my job and the means to pay my bills, keep a roof over my head, clothe this body and feed my belly…. with a little extra to splurge with on occasion. 

I have so many other things to be thankful for and so I am going to save some for the rest of the month.  On another note I have not only been working my life away, but on the side have made a few fans of my little trees and have completed a few more and sold half of them already. I’m at the point now of taking special orders for specific colors and designs.  Here are a few pics. 










I hope you all have a wonderful day and stop a moment and say thanks, doesn’t matter what it’s for, you have your own things to be thankful for. 


What a road trip

I hope all you fellow bloggers out there had a wonderful, blessed and safe Thanksgiving.  I hope you all lived through it… I know I was thankful myself to live through the road trip I had.

I have on many occasions, every time I leave town actually, taken my fur-kids along.  They are my babies and they go with me almost everywhere and I definitely do not leave them at home or with other people when I leave town.  However it’s usually just me and the 3 fur-kids on the journey.   Well this Thanksgiving called for a different dynamic.  The boyfriend finally had 2 free days ( they were his school days-off work-but school was closed for the holiday) so we took advantage of it and wanted to head up NW of here to see my family.  Well the bf’s son was actually allowed to go with us (that’s a whole other story about his psycho mom and her clingy-ness and controlling manner) so we were excited we were all going to get to spend it together.  Well this past summer I brought my niece and her best friend down to stay a week with me and I introduced the 2 girls to the bf’s niece that is the same age… they hit it off as I expected, so any chance they can they try to get together.  I know it’s hard for them living 3 hours away, but I try to help when I can.  So both my niece and the bf’s niece were calling me and texting me and blowing up my facebook all day begging for me to bring them together again.  I had warned the bf’s niece that it was going to be a cramped ride with 4 people and 3 dogs, (one of which is the size of a small horse).  She said she didn’t care.  I think the child would have offered to ride on the hood or in the trunk if necessary.   Well here is where the journey began… We had to drive out to SW Ft Worth to pick up the bf’s niece and then instead of tracking backwards we used my ever so bossy, “lady in the phone” to help us find a new way to MOMs house.   A direction I have never taken before, some small, back highways that were lacking towns, cities, lights, cars, human life. 

I kept telling the kids (they are 14) that we were in “The Hills Have Eyes” country.  I said it so much that I almost started to freak myself out 😛

Well we set the 2 teens up in the backseat with Jaxon (the small horse).  Poor kids, they will never be right again 😛  I swear that Jaxon needs some doggie ADD meds.  He cannot stay still long enough to catch a flea.  He wanted to be up front in dad’s lap, he wanted to help me drive, he wanted to hang his head out the window and bark and bite at the wind as we drove down the highway.  Look, I never said I had a genius dog.  He’s a big lug head (pic to follow).  But he makes me laugh so hard.  I love him to pieces, even when he’s terrorizing the teens in the back seat.  Well Goober was in the floorboard between bf’s feet and Miss Priss was sorta all over the place, she can do that being the size of a 4lb rat.  I laughed so hard on this trip.  It’s only 3 hours to mom’s but this trip seemed like it lasted 10.  Between the teens singing along to their music, Jaxon jumping on everyone in the car, the awful smells that were coming from the backseat, (I did not know a teen girl could smell so bad…. she could out do any man for sure !) the trip was quite hilarious.  We get about 10 mins outside Mom’s and Jaxon decides to settle down… go figure.   The next 2 days were great getting to cook and spend time with my family.  I hadn’t been home in 4 months which is the longest I have ever been away in the last 12 years since moving away.   The food was awesome, the laughs were endless, and the sleep was scarce, but that’s what’s it all about.  So the visit went by super fast and the next thing I know we are packing for a return trip.  I should have invested in some doggie vallum for sure.  We finally came up with a brilliant idea to put bf in the back and his niece up in the front with me.  Jaxon was a lot more calm having bf in the back so he could lay all over him.   We finally made it to where we were going to meet up with bf’s sister to pick up the niece at the Wally World parking lot. 

I am so awful… please forgive me for what you are about to read…  BF got out of the car to go walk Jaxon.  I told him to let his son walk him (knowing that Jaxon would take said son for a walk instead but I was up for a good laugh) Well bf was walking over to the gas station to get some cigs… I told bf’s niece to find a ball or a toy to throw to Jaxon… well no luck, so said niece gets out of the car and starts to holler at Jaxon, she gets his attention and then runs in the opposite direction… YEP a kid after my own heart… Jaxon the playful lug head he is took off after her with bf’s son in tow.  This said son tried really hard to keep up, hanging onto that leash with all his mite, and he did pretty good for about 4 car lengths until Jaxon got the best of him.   Off goes Jaxon.  Niece comes running back to the car and I am in tears and nearly wetting myself from laughing so hard.  Then I see the bf stomping across the parking lot toward his son and Jaxon as he came around a car.  I was sure I was in trouble now…  He looked pissed.  He did not find it as amusing as I did, what a shame.  Niece got back in the car and we snickered as bf and his son gathered Jaxon and got back in the car.   BF was not happy and said that Jaxon could have run into the store or gotten hit by a car… this is true, but didn’t take away from my laughter.  I tried to ease the tension and say if it was someone else you know you would be laughing… but it didn’t help too much.

They both got over it, so it was all good.  I am still laughing about it as I write about it.  I am so twisted I swear.

Well that was my eventful trip, I gotta let you know that we all fit in my little 4 door Saturn… and if it’s ever suggested for me to do that again, I might tell said suggester to stick that idea up their Uranus !!

I anticipate a larger vehicle soon. (I paid off my car a few months back and I am enjoying not having to make that payment each month, so I am holding out as long as I can.)


What are YOU thankful for?

I can’t believe it’s already November, this year seems to have just flown by.  I’m sure I wasn’t thinking that at the first of 2011.  It’s been quite a year, had a rollercoaster of events this year.  2011 started out pretty rough for me having a break-in occur at my house just before Christmas last year (2010).  There is nothing like that feeling of being invaded, of feeling unsafe and unsure of things around you.  The devistation, fear and anger that came along with it was almost unbearable.  ALMOST… well I beared it, I made it through that tough time and I even survived !  All in time !!

I know we need to be thankful year round, day in, day out – but sometimes we forget to stop and think about the good in our lives, the blessings and the rewards we are given.  So I wanted to jot down some of the many things I am thankful for.

*I am thankful for the incredible woman that brought me into this world.  My mom amazes me with her big heart and her openness to people.  She is such a giving person and has always been there for me and so many others.  She is selfless and gives of her time, her energy, her spirt and anything else she has to offer.  I see her often put herself and her own wishes and desires aside to do for and give to others.  She has taught me so much, both directly and indirectly by just witnessing her daily on-goings with others.  She was both a mom and dad after my dad passed away when I was 8.  I know now as an adult that it was not easy for her, that she made many sacrafices then and continues to do so today as she takes care of others around her.  I wish we lived closer and I could enjoy her more often then the occassional visit.  I only hope I can grow into the kind of person she is.  Thank you God for such an amazing gift.

*I am thankful for my job, actually my two jobs.  I know the economy is bad and people are struggling and jobs can be scarce at times.  I am thankful for the job and company I have worked for now going on 12 years.  I am also thankful to the part time job I have on the weekends that it is one that I enjoy.  1 job is hard enough, I can’t imagine having to work 2 jobs and hating it.

*I am thankful for my doctors and those around me that try to encourage me to do better and take care of my health.  I have had a mass load of troubles with almost 10 surgeries in the past 6 years.  Diagnosis of Diabetes and other ailments.  I have never battled anything like I am this Diabetes, but I am thankful for those that educate me and try to keep me on the right path.  I am thankful for being alive today.

*I am thankful for my wonderful bestfriend and boyfriend that I have been with now for nearly 5 years.  He drives me crazy a majority of the time, but not a day goes by that I am not thankful he is in my life.  I am thankful for the way he makes me smile when I am pissed at him.  I am thankful for the way he can make me feel safe when I feel scared, or weak, or alone.  I am thankful for his willingness to work on himself and our relationship with me in our journey.

*I am thankful for my life – my house, my family, my job, my animals.  I am thankful that I can stop and smell the roses and enjoy the little things in life.  I am thankful that although I have a busy, hectic, sometimes complicated life, I can appreciate the step it takes to get to where my life is.  I am thankful for the desire to always improve, continue to learn, strive to do more and be more and to never stop living.

I wish and pray for others to have a blessed and safe holiday and to stop and think about all the things “YOU” have to be thankful for.